XXXI. Nationale Konferenz für Beleuchtungstechnik

A few words about the event

It is the most important meeting of the lighting environment in Poland, devoted to the latest lighting technologies and solutions. The program includes lectures and presentations, conducted by experts from the world of science, industry and lighting services. The event also includes an exhibition of lighting and metrology companies.

GL Optic's presentations

The program includes two presentations by our employees.
On June 15, during Session I concerning optical radiation measurements, Marcin Pelko, Head of the CARLO Optical Radiation Calibration and Research Laboratory, will give a presentation entitled “Effect of cooling the detector of a matrix spectroradiometer on the range and uncertainty of measurement results.” The authors of the article are Marcin Pelko, Jan Lalek and Andrzej Rybczynski.
On June 16, during Session III about road lighting, Mikołaj Przybyła will give a presentation entitled “Why and how to conduct as-built measurements to verify the quality of road lighting”.
Participation in the event is FREE. All you have to do is register!