CIE Workshop Berlin

All road users should be able to see objects on the road and should be visible to each other. Good visibility conditions are assumed for this. Different methods have been developed for the description of visibility conditions, unfortunately these methods have been never used in practical lighting design processes, often due to the omission of some variables relevant to the models, for example: measurement methods for the road surface reflection, optimization tools for the reflector or lens design of luminaires, consideration for luminaries with adjustable light distribution, and lack of imaging luminance measurement systems.

This workshop will analyze the potential of the different visibility concepts. In addition, the area where scientific creativeness overlaps the uptake of new technologies both in pragmatic and economic ways will be discussed.

The workshop is for researchers from the Industry, Government and Academia, who have been dealing with visibility or are interested in visibility for roadway lighting. Invited presenters will provide an overview about Characterization of Traffic Safety, on why should we use visibility, what are the basic ideas about visibility, which models are known, why this concept has not been used for the lighting design process in the past, which measurement technique is necessary to use the concept of Visibility, and so on.

One of the speakers will be PhD. Eng.Krzysztof Wandachowicz from Poznan University of Technology who along with Mikolaj Przybyla, GL Optic COO, prepared the topic: “Road Lighting Measurements Theory Vs Practice”. If you are participating the workshop, do not miss our presentation 25th May, at 9.00.