GL Optic at the IEEE conference in Palermo

With more than 500 attendees from all around the world, the conference represents a unique opportunity for researchers, academics, engineers, and experts to present and exchange the latest information on the exciting and stimulating fields of electrical technology, energy, environmental engineering, smart grid, building automation, storage, e-mobility, etc. The technical program is rich and varied, with numerous technical oral sessions, as well as poster sessions each day.

The conference sessions will cover fundamental aspects of:

  • sustainable and renewable energy production
  • energy storage
  • smart grids management
  • smart buildings
  • energy conversion
  • sustainable transport systems
  • EMC control in lightning and grounding systems
  • novel materials and nanotechnology

One of the topics is WELDING ARC IGNITION AND PHOTOBIOLOGICAL HAZARD EVALUATION which will be presented by our GL Optic’ colleague, Andrzej Rybczynski.

It is a collective work written by Agnieszka Wolska and Mariusz Wisełka from The Labour Protection-National Research Institute in Poland, and Jolanta Matusiak and Tomasz Pfeifer from Instytut Spawalnictwa and our colleague – Andrzej Rybczynski.

The presentation is part of the TECHNICAL SESSION 47 (N3-TS6) and will take place June 14th | 2018 | 11:30 – 13:30 Venue: Room 11.