Nationale Konferenz für Beleuchtungstechnik

This year, the event takes place online, it is presenting a very interesting program. On Friday, June 18, there will be an opportunity to listen to two presentations prepared by our specialists. The first one will take place in the block: Road lighting – dynamic lighting, pedestrian crossings, lighting assessment ”, which will be held from 10:00 to 11:45. Mikołaj Przybyła will talk about the measurements of the luminance distribution of the road and the tunnel access zone. He will present how the luminance measurement in the field looks like, what are the appropriate conditions for such measurements and according to what standards they should be performed.

The presentation will discuss not only the issues of luminance measurement on the road, but also in the tunnel access zone, which requires appropriate lighting that will not deteriorate the observation conditions on the road. The second presentation is planned in the „Measurements and assessment of optical radiation” block, scheduled for 12: 15-13: 30. Marcin Pelko will talk about the spatial distribution of optical radiation intensity in the ultraviolet range. He will present the measurement and use of data.Participation in the Conference is free, all you need to do is register.