Nationale Beleuchtungskonferenz 2022

On June 9th, during Session I, concerning the testing of lighting systems, Jan Lalek, Chief Technical Officer of GL Optic will give a presentation entitled “Facility for characterization of spectral sensitivity of  lux meters, radiometers  and  luminance cameras (Monochromatic and RGB)”, in which he will present a measuring system based on a double monochromator, two light sources, which enables the measurement of spectral sensitivity in the range from 200 nm to 1100 nm from optical resolution of 5 nm. During the same session, Borys Skrzypiński, GL Optic Technical Support Engineer, will talk about the Ecodesign challenges that lighting manufacturers and importers are still facing. In the presentation he will present how to perform product tests for registration in the EPREL database. He will present what it means to introduce Ecodesign for individual groups, from lighting manufacturers / importers, through laboratory technicians conducting measurements, to officials and users. He will also present solutions offered by GL Optic in the field of Ecodesign compliant measurements, which include complete measurement systems and software with the EPREL module. He will also talk about the directions of development and the long-term impact of Ecodesign on the lighting market.
On June 10th, during Session V, on the examination of optical radiation and the color of light, Marcin Pelko, Head of the CARLO Calibration and Research Laboratory of Optical Radiation will give a presentation entitled “Practical approach to application of radiometer for measuring and evaluation sources with different spectral characteristics of UV radiation”.
Participation in the conference is free, but requires prior online registration.