„I was very happy to hear that the Municipal Roads Authority in Warsaw rated our system for luminance measurements on the road so highly. It is the only such system in the world, designed and manufactured in Poland, fully adapted to field measurements. Thank you LUG Light Factory for choosing our equipment as part of the delivery of new lighting for Warsaw. We hope it will contribute to the improvement of the quality of road lighting.” – said Miko Przybyła, COO @ GL Optic.
Adequate road lighting is influenced not only by the quality of the lamps themselves, but also by the type of road surface, its humidity, but also by the color of the facade of adjacent buildings. „We are pleased that another road authority has decided to carry out such a precise inspection of the road lighting infrastructure. From the safety point of view, it is important not only to check the technical condition of the lamps themselves, but also to verify photometric parameters. This avoids underexposure or excessive illumination of roads, which directly improves safety and has an impact on costs.” Says Miko Przybyła „We hope that more and more public road managers will pay attention to the advantages of such measurements ” he adds.
Our GL Opticam 3.0 is a first luminance meter fully adapted to field measurements. It is a comprehensive system for measurements in accordance with the requirements of the PN-EN 13201 standard. So far it is the only system in the world customized for field measurements. Thanks to the use of IP54 class and stabilization of the operating temperature of the measuring system, it is adapted to work in all weather conditions. A battery power source and a number of additional accessories, like measuring field markers or distance measuring wheel simplify the field measurement. The included computer enables convenient and quick results, that allow to assess the quality of illumination of the road / area in real time. Everything is packed in handy boxes, from which you can build a convenient station for servicing the entire system.