gl optic defense industry rozwiązania dla przemysłu obronnego solutions MSPO Kielce

Defense Industry

Between September 6 and 9, we will take part in the International Defense Industry Exhibition in Kielce, which is one of the most important exhibitions of the defense industry in the world and the only one in Poland. We will be an exhibitor at the stand of the Polish Technological Platform on Photonics, where we will present our solutions, among others for infrared measurement for night vision systems and for measuring displays and navigation instruments. We invite you to visit our stand.
The Polish Technological Platform for Photonics is also the organizer of the “Photonic 4 Defense” workshop, in which we will participate. The workshop is to enable the meeting of representatives of photonics (Polish, but not only) interested in the military market with the defense industry, the Ministry of National Defense and the European Defense Agency EDA. The workshop along with the networking lunch will take place on September 8th. at the Conference Center on the fairgrounds.
For three decades, the International Defense Industry Exhibition MSPO has been the ground for establishing important relations for global defense, ending with the signing of multi-million contracts. MSPO is a place of premiere presentations of the latest technologies and a platform for the exchange of knowledge. The fair is traditionally accompanied by the Exhibition of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Poland. The exhibition is visited by representatives of state authorities, defense ministries, senior army staffs, embassies of several dozen countries around the world.