New technologies allow us to design sources of artificial lighting smarter and healthier for humans. We at GL are providing solutions for light quality control and on display during the event you will find our latest solution for Circadian Light evaluation the GL SPECTIS 1.0T + Flicker now available with an upgraded firmware to measure and calculate Melanopic Equivalent Daylight Illuminance.


Light is the main synchronizer of the human biological clock, so there is a strong need to learn more and discuss the implementation of the new international standard CIE S 026:2018 in lighting metrology, design and applications. This CIE Tutorial has been developed to support the understanding and proper application of CIE S 026. It is expected that the outcome for participants at this tutorial will be clarity on how light can be quantified and assessed for its ability to achieve important biological effects relevant for human health, performance and well-being, without depending on visual images – as a result, the sub-title for this tutorial is “Methods and principles to define light for responses beyond vision”.


Invited experts will present lectures that explain the basic concepts of the newly defined CIE metrics and quantities, discuss their implications and provide practical examples for various application contexts, such as workplaces, schools, hospitals and elderly (care) homes. Tutorial participants will learn how to quantify optical radiation for its ability to stimulate each of the five retinal photoreceptors (three cones, rods and melanopsin-containing ipRGCs) that can contribute to the non-visual responses to light and how these responses affect people’s health, functioning and well-being.


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