Blog about light quality measurements

Let's talk about light quality measurements

GL BLOG is a blog run by GL Optic engineers, where they share their knowledge and experience in the field of light quality measurements for various applications. You will find here the latest information, technical tips, interesting case studies in the area of lighting and its measurements.

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Recent blog posts

Ecodesign Obligations

Ecodesign is a policy in force in all European Union countries, aimed at improving energy efficiency, promoting a sustainable economy and enabling easy verification of the quality parameters of light sources

Licht 2023

On March 26-29, 2023, the European lighting industry will meet with representatives of the academic world in Salzburg, during the 25th edition of the LICHT2023 Conference. We will participate as an

Light Fair

On March 15-17, 2023, the Polish lighting industry will meet in Warsaw during the 30th edition of the Light Fair. We will be present during this event. We invite you to


From February 28th to March 1st 2023 European experts in safety and health at work as well as in light quality measurements come together to exchange experiences and knowledge regarding „High-Power

Road Safety Congress 2023

Between March 1st and 3rd the Road Safety Congress will be held in Cracow. We are participating in this event for another year in a row.

Vehicle Lamps Approval

Vehicle lamps approval is a challenge since car lamps are becoming bigger, heavier and utilize more sophisticated designs. Engineering teams need fast and precise measuring systems to accelerate vehicle lamps approval