Blog about light quality measurements

Let's talk about light quality measurements

GL BLOG is a blog run by GL Optic engineers, where they share their knowledge and experience in the field of light quality measurements for various applications. You will find here the latest information, technical tips, interesting case studies in the area of lighting and its measurements.

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The concept of so-called MacAdam ellipses is used to describe color uniformity. The methodology for assessing color uniformity was developed on the basis of a study of the perception of color

Messung großer Leuchten

Goniometers are big and powerfull systems, that can measure large luminaires and need enough space for proper operation. To ensure safety, GL Optic’s engineers introduced couple safety features to proceed with

Ecodesign Requirements

To improve energy efficiency, promote a sustainable economy and to enable easy verification of quality parameters all EE countries are obliged to comply to the Ecodesign policy. The product types currently

GL-Partnerkonferenz 2023

Between April 26th and 28th, we will host the biennial GL Partners Conference 2023. We have invited our partners and distributors from all over the world. This year's meeting will be

wie man Autolampen misst

In the field of automotive lighting a big revolution took place, as the adaptive headlights and taillights are the latest trend.It is common that headlamp integrate various functions like daylight running


Luminance can be defined as the impression of brightness of a luminous surface. It is the "amount" of light emitted by a given surface that we see. Our eye can recognize