Blog about light quality measurements

Let's talk about light quality measurements

GL BLOG is a blog run by GL Optic engineers, where they share their knowledge and experience in the field of light quality measurements for various applications. You will find here the latest information, technical tips, interesting case studies in the area of lighting and its measurements.

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Recent blog posts

May 24, 2018 to May 25, 2018, Technische Universität Berlin, Berlin Germany. CIE WORKSHOP ON A NEW VISION OF VISIBILITY FOR ROADWAY LIGHTING
May, 18th, 2018, Bialystok Technical University, Bialystok, Poland. 1st Scientific and Technical Conference “Energy-Saving Technologies” (Original title: I Konferencja Naukowo-Techniczna „Technologie efektywności energetycznej”)
Pre-Conference (LFI Institute): May 6, 2018, Chicago, US.

GL Hands-on Light Measurement Workshop at LFI 2018 in Chicago

Once again we are inviting all lighting professionals
April 24th – 27th, 2018 r. the Stuttgart Exhibition Centre, Germany. 32nd Control International trade fair for quality assurance.
April 24th, 2018 r. World Trade Center Poznań, Poland. IX Scientific and Technical Conference "Safety and energy efficiency in lighting" LIGHTING TECHNOLOGY 2018” (original title: IX Konferencja Naukowo-Techniczna z cyklu „Bezpieczeństwo
March 18th – 23rd, 2018, Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Light Quality Seminars. Take part in Light Quality Control Workshops. We all want to learn from each other to improve modern lighting