Museum lighting quality concept, measurements and control challenges.

Modern lighting technology in general is in a constant flux due to its ever-changing nature caused by the development of scientific research into this key area. Our knowledge within this industry is developing further in terms of the influence of optical radiation on human and objects. As we learn more about the effects lighting can have, specific industries such as the museum and heritage industries need to adapt and are not free from measurement and control challenges due to the ever expanding application of LEDs and white light emitters.

Understanding quality of light and available measurement technology is a fundamental task for all lighting professionals and teams responsible for lighting installations in museums. Making plans based on knowledge and making decision based on dependable data is crucial for the design and maintenance of high quality lighting installations

This presentation will introduce general light quality concepts and metrics which are available today and are the basis for important decisions regarding the selection and application of lighting products. It will also provide an introduction to the modern light measurement technology and available instruments together with an explanation of measurement techniques. Finally, we will present possible future monitoring systems which are possible when we marge modern sensor and electronic technology with the use of the latest communication protocols and standards.

GL Optic instrumentation is distributed in the UK & Ireland by Analytik Ltd and Analytik’s light measurement product specialist Isaac Gilbert is going to attend the event too.

About the presenter:

Miko Przybyla is the COO of GL Optic a Polish-German manufacturer of high performance light measurement instrumentation. He is the active member of the CIE and IES lighting organisation taking part in the standard committee works and is presenting at international lighting conferences and symposia in Europe and in the US. Miko holds MA in marketing management and has diplomas in the Plastics and Rubber Processing and the Light Technology.

More information about the event here