Blog about light quality measurements

Let's talk about light quality measurements

GL BLOG is a blog run by GL Optic engineers, where they share their knowledge and experience in the field of light quality measurements for various applications. You will find here the latest information, technical tips, interesting case studies in the area of lighting and its measurements.

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Recent blog posts

GL Spectis 5.0 Touch shown at Science Photonics Fair 2020 in Tokio

Systems Engineering Inc., one of our partners from Japan, will present a GL Optic UV measurment system during the Science Photonic Fair 2020, which will take place in Tokio, November 11th-13th.

GL Optic sponsors the Lux et Color Vesprimiensis 2020

Lux et Color Vesprimiensis is a scientific conference on light and colour and it is organized every year in Vesprem, Hungary. This year highlights are the UV-C disinfection lamps measurements and

GL Optic created Calibration and Research Laboratory of Optical Radiation CARLO

Up until now, GL Optic has been known as a manufacturer of precise instruments and comprehensive solutions and systems for spectral light measurement. The offer, among others intelligently designed, includes intuitive

Introduction to UV light measurement principles – publication for the LpS Digital conference

Due to the pandemic LED Professional Symposium has been remodeled into the LpS Digital and moved online, where it is available for viewers across the world.

GL Optic joined The Good Light Group

GL Optic becomes a member of the Good Light Group, an international non-profit foundation which educates and promotes the importance of nutritional light on the well-being of people. For the last

Road lighting luminance measurement using the new imaging luminance meter, GL Opticam 3.0

Poznan University of Technology performed luminance measurements using GL Opticam 3.0 - the first imaging luminance measurement system fully adapted to the field work.